Declutter Tips - how to Marie Kondo your Make Up and Cosmetics
Cosmetics and toiletries can easily build up unchecked, spend an hour decluttering to make getting ready every morning easier.
Top Tips To Keep Your Fridge Organised
An organised fridge reduces food waste & saves money. Sun Savers Giselle Wainwright gets top tips from Sue Spencer A Life More Organised
How to organise your fridge - Kitchen organisation tips that Marie Kondo would approve of!
Organise your fridge like Marie Kondo with expert organising tips for storing your fresh food in the best place to keep it fresh for longer.
5 Minute Kitchen Organisation Tip - How To Store Tupperware and Plastic Containers!
Lids on or lids off - whats the best way to store your Tupperware and food storage containers?
5 minute Kitchen Decluttering Tip
A super quick decluttering tip you can do whilst getting breakfast or cooking dinner this evening. I almost always come across cutlery...
Decluttering Tips - Radio Solent Interview
Sue joined Radio Solent to talk about decluttering, organising and training with Marie Kondo to be a KonMari Consultant.
Quick Tips for Childrens Artwork - Video
A video overview of ways to keep on top of Childrens Artwork including how to choose what to keep and ways to display those masterpieces.
Working From Home Tips.
Working from home tips - how to create a productive environment, put your phone down & the importance of keeping in touch with your network.
Keeping Children's Clothes Organised
A quick video tip for keeping children's outfits organised.
Do you have "Just In Case" syndrome?
Lots of people I work with struggle to let things go "just in case" they are needed in the future - there are some steps that may help to