12 Things I Don't Miss After Decluttering My Home
12 Things that you can easily declutter from your home without missing them from a KonMari Consultant trained by Marie Kondo
Declutter your desk to reduce stress & boost productivity
Is your desk is covered in papers & post it notes? Follow my simple KonMari desk declutter tips for a more productive & less stressful day.
Declutter Tips - how to Marie Kondo your Make Up and Cosmetics
Cosmetics and toiletries can easily build up unchecked, spend an hour decluttering to make getting ready every morning easier.
How to organise your fridge - Kitchen organisation tips that Marie Kondo would approve of!
Organise your fridge like Marie Kondo with expert organising tips for storing your fresh food in the best place to keep it fresh for longer.
5 minute Kitchen Decluttering Tip
A super quick decluttering tip you can do whilst getting breakfast or cooking dinner this evening. I almost always come across cutlery...